Today We Did:
- We started with the Email Application project.
- We were able to create the menu and print it out.
- Also, we were able to create the Email account and exit out of the forever loop.
For Homework:
- Create a new method for listing out all of the emails that are in the system.
- Also, create three email accounts so that they are already in your emailAccountMap when you run the code.
- Refer to your SchoolSystem to see how we created the students and stored them in the student map before actually running the code.
- This is the expected output for when you are running the list all for the system:
Please select one of the item below:
1. Create new email account
2. Login
3. List all email accounts.
4. Exit
Please make your selection (1-4):3
There are total of 3 email accounts in the system
1. Benjamin -
2. Gamas -
3. Aidan -
Please select one of the item below:
1. Create new email account
2. Login
3. List all email accounts.
4. Exit
Please make your selection (1-4):