American Young Coder Academy – Indo

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1 PM – Intro To Java – Alex Lee

October 1, 2022 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Today We Did:
  1. We reviewed the quiz that we took the week before.
  2. Able to finish it up and reviewed how to use HashMaps and deposit and withdraw money from the accounts.
For Homework:
  1. Create a new project called MonsterInheritance, this will be a completely new project.
  2. The first class we will create is going to be the and in this, we will want to have the main method, run method, and also create a monsterMap.
  3. The monsterMap key will be the monster’s name which is a String, and the value will be the Monster class that we will also be creating for homework.
  4. Create a class that will have 3 attributes which are int health, String species, and int maxDamage
  5. Make sure to create a constructor and also the getters and setters.
  6. Also create a menu and have it in an infinite loop. The expected menu is below:
  7. Please select from one of the following
    1. Add new monster
    2. List all monsters
    3. Play the game
    Enter your selection (enter "exit" to quit):


October 1, 2022
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Event Categories:
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