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6:30 PM – Scratch Level 1 – Yitong
July 27, 2023 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Today we did:
- We went over the homework for last week and we started the Mary Had a Little Lamb project.
- Finish the rest of the song by using the same process we did today (broadcast, wait, and separate the bars so that there are 4 lines in total).
- Remember that for a 1/8 note (the notes that are connected) the wait time is 0.5 seconds, for a quarter note (the black note with only one line) the wait time is 1 second, and for a half note (the note with only one line that is not filled in) the wait time is 2 seconds.
- You can find the notes to the song here: https://indo.ayclogic.com/project-resources/
- After you finish your homework in Scratch, send an email to joel@ayclogic.com before Thursday. In that email, write down your name and a link to your shared Scratch project homework. Make sure to share your Scratch project.
- If you have any problems or questions, feel free to ask me by sending an email to joel@ayclogic.com or gamas@ayclogic.com.