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6:30 PM – Intro to Python – Juan
August 2, 2023 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Today We Did
- Quiz 2 Review
- Started learning about Turtle
- Create a new file “Aug9_TurtleShapesHomework.py”
- Fill in all shapes
- Create a new function “draw_rectangle”. One parameter: pen_color. Inside the function, draw a rectangle shape using turtle module. Call the function and pass any color to the function.
- Create a new function “draw_square”. One parameter: pen_color. Inside the function, draw a square shape using turtle module. Call the function and pass any color to the function.
- Create a new function “draw_octagon”. One parameter: pen_color. Inside the function, draw a octagon shape using turtle module. Call the function and pass any color to the function.
- Create a new function “draw_triangle”. One parameter: pen_color. Inside the function, draw a triangle shape using turtle module. Call the function and pass any color to the function.
- Look at this image for your coordinates guidance