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6 PM – Intro To Java
June 3, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
- We continued with Student class
- We learned about access modifier: private, public, protected, default
- We learned about getter and setter
- Homework:
- Create a menu that will appear continuously inside SchoolMainApplication
- When user select 3, print “Thank you for using AYCLOGIC school system”.
- When user select 1, ask user for firstName, lastName, age and class name.
- Look at below
AYCLOGIC School System:
1. Create a student
2. Find student
3. Quit
Enter your selection: 1
Enter student's first name: Gamas
Enter student's last name : Chang
Enter student's age: 100
Enter student's class name: 2B
A new student has been created.
AYCLOGIC School System:
1. Create a student
2. Find student
3. Quit
Enter your selection: 3
Thank you for using AYCLOGIC School System.
Bye bye.