7. Write a function in Python that would take 3 numbers and add all of them together and return the result. After result is returned, print it to the screen (3 points).
def sum_up(n1,n2,n3):
   return n1+n2+n3

result = sum_up(1,2,3)

8. Write a function in Python that would take 5 parameters, combine / concatenate them together and inside the function, print the concatenation into the shell. (3 points)

def word_combine(w1,w2,w3,w4,w5):
    print(f'{w1} {w2} {w3} {w4} {w5}')
word_combine('Hi',"My","name","is", "Siri")

Ask yes or no question program

1. Ask user “Ask yes or no question: ” 2. Pick a random number between 1 to 3. 3. If computer pick 1, print “Yes”. 4. If computer pick 2, print “Maybe”. 5. If computer pick 3, print “No”. 6. Repeat/continuously ask the user until user enter “quit”.

When the code is done it should do the following

Ask yes or no question? Is it cloudy outside?
Ask yes or no question? Is the wall red?

Ask yes or no question?I am fat?

Ask yes or no question?quit

9. Write a function in Python that would do above behavior. Do this in Thonny python editor. After it is done, copy and paste the result below. (7 points)


while True:
    ayc = input("Enter yes or no question? ")
    if ayc == "quit":
    num = random.randint(1,3)
    if num == 1:
    elif num == 2:
    elif num == 3:

Below is a broken python codes

budget1 = 50 * 5
print ('result = '+budget1)

abigail = 2
ryan = 3

budget2 = abigail + Ryan
print('budget2 ' + budget2)

hot_day = int('20') < 15
print (hot_day)

if hot_day = True
    print('It is really hot out there')
    print('It is cool out there')

print('I live in '+ hometown
hometown = 'Moscow'
def subtract(num1   num2):
return num1-num2

def starwars(prefix):
jedi = ['Luke', 'Obiwan', 'Qui Gon'

starwars('Jedi Master ')

When Above code is fixed, the program will print out the following in the shell.

budget1 250
budget2 5
It is cool out there
I live in Moscow
Jedi Master Luke
10. Fix above broken python codes in Python editor (Thonny). After it is fixed, copy the corrected code below (12 points)


budget1 = 50 * 5
print (f'budget1 {budget1}')

abigail = 2
ryan = 3

budget2 = abigail + ryan
print(f'budget2 {budget2}')
hot_day = int('20') < 15
print (hot_day)

if hot_day == True:
    print('It is really hot out there')
    print('It is cool out there')

hometown = 'Moscow'
print('I live in '+ hometown)

def subtract(num1,num2):
    return num1-num2

sub = subtract(10,1)
def starwars(prefix):
    jedi = ['Luke', 'Obiwan', 'Qui Gon']
    print(prefix + jedi[0])

starwars('Jedi Master ')