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3 PM – Intro to Java – Gamas
April 2, 2022 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
- Continue on EmailApplication program.
- Add the following features. 1. Create Email Account, 3. List All Email Accounts, 4. Exit.
- Use Map to store the Email Account.
- Create new class EmailAccount.java to store the email account.
- Look at example below
Please select from below
1. Create an Email Account
2. Login
3. List all Email Accounts
4. Exit
Enter your selection:1
1. Enter your name: Bradley
2. Enter your email: bradley@ayclogic.com
3. Enter your password: abcd
You have successfully created email account for Bradley.
Please select from below
1. Create an Email Account
2. Login
3. List all Email Accounts
4. Exit
Enter your selection:3
There are total of 3 email accounts in the system
1. Bradley - bradley@ayclogic.com
2. Gamas Chang - gamas@ayclogic.com
3. Jessica Sunjoyo - jessica@ayclogic.com
Please select from below
1. Create an Email Account
2. Login
3. List all Email Accounts
4. Exit
Enter your selection:4
Thank you for using AYCLOGIC Email System.