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5 PM – Intro To Java – Gamas
January 8, 2022 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
- Continue on StudentApplication project.
- Create a new class Teacher which has the following attributes: firstName, lastName, age and subjectOfExpertise.
- Inside SchoolSystem.java, create a new list teacherList.
- Add the “2. Add new teacher” feature.
- This is very similar to “1. Add new student”. If you do it correctly, it should look like this
School System:
1. Add a student
2. Add a teacher
3. Find student
4. Find teacher
5. List all students
6. List all teachers
Enter your selection (type "exit" to quit):2
Enter First Name: Gamas
Enter Last Name: Chang
How old are you: 100
Enter Subject of Expertise: Java
New Teacher record is created: Gamas
School System:
1. Add a student
2. Add a teacher
3. Find student
4. Find teacher
5. List all students
6. List all teachers
Enter your selection (type "exit" to quit):