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5 PM – Object Oriented Programming in Python – Nathaniel
July 31, 2021 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Today We:
- Began working on school application
- Set up Pycharm IDE
- The project can be found in google drive under folder named “src”
- Create a method in SchoolApplication class to add a new student to the list of students. Look at example below
Welcome To AYCLOGIC School System:
1. Add new student
2. List all students
3. Find student
4. Quit
Enter your selection: 1
Add a new student:
Enter student name: Gamas Chang
Enter student age: 100
Enter student grade: 10
You have successfuly added Gamas Chang
Welcome To AYCLOGIC School System:
1. Add new student
2. List all students
3. Find student
4. Quit
Enter your selection: