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7 PM – Intro To Java – Alex
August 17, 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Today We Did
- We continued with SchoolSystemUsingMap project.
- We added Student.getInfo() method to return information about student.
- We added Find Student by First Name feature. We don’t use for loop to find something in the Map, we use the map.get() method.
- Add the following new features
- Add a teacher
- List all teachers
- Find teacher by email
- Make sure to store teacher data using Map.
- Expected result is like this
School System:
1. Add a student
2. List all students
3. Find Student by first name
4. Add a teacher
5. List all teachers
6. Find teacher by email
Enter your selection (type "exit" to quit):4
Enter First Name: Ray
Enter Last Name: Klefstad
How old are you: 45
Enter your email: ray@ayclogic.com
Enter Subject of Expertise: Computer
New Teacher record is created: Ray
School System:
1. Add a student
2. List all students
3. Find Student by first name
4. Add a teacher
5. List all teachers
6. Find teacher by email
Enter your selection (type "exit" to quit):5
Ray Klefstad is 45 years old and teaches "Computer". Email is ray@ayclogic.com
School System:
1. Add a student
2. List all students
3. Find Student by first name
4. Add a teacher
5. List all teachers
6. Find teacher by email
Enter your selection (type "exit" to quit):6
Enter the email of theTeacher you want to find: blah@gmail.com
blah@gmail.com cannot be found in our teacher's database
School System:
1. Add a student
2. List all students
3. Find Student by first name
4. Add a teacher
5. List all teachers
6. Find teacher by email
Enter your selection (type "exit" to quit):6
Enter the email of theTeacher you want to find: RaY@ayclogic.COM
Ray Klefstad is 45 years old and teaches "Computer". Email is ray@ayclogic.com