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7 PM Intro To Java – Alexander Lee
August 24, 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Today We Did:
- Today we finished up the School System using Map project by going through adding, listing, and finding the Teacher.
- We also went through how to fix errors and the two different types of errors which are syntax errors and runtime errors.
For Homework:
- Create a new project which is titled WED7PM_EmailApplication
- In the project, create two files, one is going to be EmailMainApplication and the other will be EmailAccount.
- In the EmailAccount, make sure to have 3 attributes which will be name, password, and email.
- The EmailAccount should have a constructor and also have all the getters and setters.
- In the EmailMainApplication, make sure to create a new variable which is the menu which is posted below.
- There should be a forever loop to continuously print the menu to the user and get the user response.
- Add in the exit for when you enter 4.
private String menu = """
\nPlease select one of the item below:
1. Create new email account
2. Login
3. List all email accounts.
4. Exit
Please make your selection (1-4): """;