American Young Coder Academy – Indo

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7 PM – Intro To Java – Gamas

January 27, 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Today We Do
  1. We continued learning about Map or HashMap.
  2. We added a way to add Animal class into Map.
  3. We added a way to find Animal from Map.
  1. Inside, add some more code to do “6. Find Animal In List” . This is very similar to “7. Find Animal in Map” (which we did in class). The difference is, you have to loop through each animal in the List (“animals”). Look at SchoolApplication program and see how we were able to find Student or find teacher.
  2. Please select
    1. Add name to age
    2. Find name to age
    3. Add email
    4. Find email
    5. Add Animal
    6. Find Animal In List
    7. Find Animal In Map
    Please make your selection (enter "exit" to quit):5
    What is the species of the animal: tiger
    Enter age: 100
    Enter animal type: land
    Can the animal fly (Y or N): n
    Please select
    1. Add name to age
    2. Find name to age
    3. Add email
    4. Find email
    5. Add Animal
    6. Find Animal In List
    7. Find Animal In Map
    Please make your selection (enter "exit" to quit):6
    What is the species of the animal that you want to find: bird
    We cannot find 'bird' animal.
    Please select
    1. Add name to age
    2. Find name to age
    3. Add email
    4. Find email
    5. Add Animal
    6. Find Animal In List
    7. Find Animal In Map
    Please make your selection (enter "exit" to quit):6
    What is the species of the animal that you want to find: tiger
    tiger is 100 years old, land animal type. Can fly false
    Please select
    1. Add name to age
    2. Find name to age
    3. Add email
    4. Find email
    5. Add Animal
    6. Find Animal In List
    7. Find Animal In Map
    Please make your selection (enter "exit" to quit):


January 27, 2022
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Event Categories:
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