4 PM – Intro To Java – Alex
Homework: We are going to be editing the Magic8Ball one last time, this time using methods. In the Magic8BallV3 class you will need to have 3 methods and they are run(), provideResponse(),Read More...
American Young Coder Academy – Indo
Homework: We are going to be editing the Magic8Ball one last time, this time using methods. In the Magic8BallV3 class you will need to have 3 methods and they are run(), provideResponse(),Read More...
Today We Did: We continued with the Temperature Converter project in Android Studio. Learned how to use the convert button to print something in the run tab. For Homework: Convert the FahrenheitRead More...
Homework: Create a new project called Dec1_WhileLoopHomework and the instructions are given here https://indo.ayclogic.com/java-exercise-while-loop/
Today We Did: We continued with the SchoolSystem project. Learned how to create a Student class, with a constructor along with getters and setters. Also created the listStudents and started the findStudent.Read More...
For Homework: We have now added the code that will change the header based on which option you clicked inside of the spinner. For example, if you clicked on Celsius to Fahrenheit,Read More...
For Homework: Create a new Java class <date>_MethodsHomework.java Create a new method convertFromFahrenheitToCelcius. It has one parameter int Fahrenheit. Inside the method, it will convert the Fahrenheit parameter into Celcius by usingRead More...
For Homework: Continue with the School System code; this time we will be adding in the Find Teacher, and Edit Teacher. It should be simple when adding it in to adjust itRead More...
For Homework: Take your time to take the Driver System practice test that was sent to you in your email. Make sure to finish this by Friday night 12/16 so I haveRead More...
Today We Did: We have now added in the temperature spinner listener so we are able to see what the conversion type is when we change it. For Homework: With the conversionRead More...
For Homework: I want you guys to create a method called initializeStudentsAndTeachers() This method should create 3 students and 3 teachers to be stored inside the lists before you run the actualRead More...