6 PM – Python Game Development
6 PM – Python Game Development
Today We added the landing page. We added the score indicator. Homework: Continue work on your final project.
American Young Coder Academy – Indo
Today We added the landing page. We added the score indicator. Homework: Continue work on your final project.
Today: We went over the homework. We went over how to prevent the player tank from driving through the bricks. We reviewed how the turret rotates smoothly. Homework: Add a sprite, shield_powerup.py,Read More...
Today We Do We continued with Supermarket OOP. We converted regular Supermarket Grocery program into Object Oriented Programming. Homework Inside FRI-7PM-SupermarketOOP project, do exercise https://indo.ayclogic.com/python-oop-supermarket-practice/
Today: We add the Bug to the Shoot Balloon. I've uploaded the final code here. Congrats on finishing the final projects!
Today We Do We had 1st quiz retake. Homework No homework. On Nov 13, Latisha is back to teach you guys.
Today we: Went over the Counter class homework Started working on the Driver class homework Homework: Complete the Driver class homework (reference the google form for further instructions) Driver Class Homework Instructions
Today We went over the homework We added animation so the birds flap their wings. We added a timer to slow down the flapping of wings. Homework Make the player flap itsRead More...
Homework Create Nov9_IntroToPythonExerciseHomework.py file Do all exercises from https://indo.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python-exercises/ I have uploaded the python file we did in the class today to the google drive here.
Today We went over the final projects. Make sure you're making progress unless you can't pass the class. If you're stuck you can email me at chet@ayclogic.com. We added the countdown indicatorRead More...
Today: We went over the homework We added the shield timer to destroy it after some interval We went over why we need to use copy.deepcopy to make a copy of theRead More...
Today We Do: We added SupermarketPractice class and reviewed https://indo.ayclogic.com/python-oop-supermarket-practice/ Homework: Continue FRI-7PM-SupermarketOOP project, do the following exercises https://indo.ayclogic.com/python-oop-supermarket-games/
Today We Do We did Turtle project draw face2. We draw face2 continuously using different x and y coordinates. Homework In this class you need to create a Python digital drawing projectRead More...
Today we: Completed the Driver system homework And reviewed Object Oriented Programming concepts Homework: Study the class material we've learned thus far (Try doing the final exam practice by yourself) Final examRead More...
Today We went over the homework. We added a direction attribute to the player. We updated the direction based on which way the player moves. We flipped the image when the playerRead More...
Today We went over the final project We added the bad balloon which subtracts score Homework Continue on you final project which is due first week of December.
Today We went over the homework to rotate the shield We added the EnemyTank by inheriting from PlayerTank. We customized the player tank by overriding load_images. We added EnemyTurrret by inheriting fromRead More...
Today We Do We continued with FRI-7PM-Supermarket-OOP project. We added list_all_frozen_items(self) inside supermarket_practice.py We added find_item(self, item_name) inside supermarket_practice.py We added buy_game(self) inside supermarket_system.py Homework there is no class on Nov 26Read More...
Today: We went over the homework dealing with direction for different sprites. We adjusted the initial position of the bird so it always appears off the screen. I've uploaded the source codeRead More...
Today We Do We started Python Digital drawing using Turtle. Homework Create a new file "Nov30_Turtle4ShapesHomework.py" Create a new function "draw_rectangle". One parameter: pen_color. Inside the function, draw a rectangle shape usingRead More...
Today We Do: We made some minor modifications to the final project. We enhanced Shoot Balloon project by making the Balloon hitbox smaller. We also made the Explosion sprite, able to showRead More...
Today We Do We reviewed inheritance where with inheritance, we can avoid duplicating codes. We went over the homework on how to properly override Turret.load_image(self) and Turret.get_turret_angle(self) inside EnemyTurret. We extracted codesRead More...
Homework Under "src" folder, create monster.py Inside monster.py, create Monster class with the following attribute: species, health, max_attack Inside monster.py, create get_info() method. Inside monster_system.py, add 3 monsters inside self.monster_dictionary. key =Read More...
Today: We cloned the tank-game git repo. We learned about git branches. We added the tank sprite. Homework Add logic so that you can move the tank. Use "a, s, d, w"Read More...
Today We Do We did Kaleido Spiral turtle project. Homework Continue making progress for your Turtle module project. If you need to revise your project proposal, please email me again your revisionRead More...