7 PM – Python Game Development
7 PM – Python Game Development
Today: We went over the homework to add sound effects We reviewed the code for the maze solver. We added logic to move the enemy tank based on the path. We cleanedRead More...
American Young Coder Academy – Indo
Today: We went over the homework to add sound effects We reviewed the code for the maze solver. We added logic to move the enemy tank based on the path. We cleanedRead More...
Today We Do We finished Monster Inheritance project. We compared how to go through each element inside the list vs inside dictionary. Homework 2 weeks later is Python OOP final test. IRead More...
Today: We went over the homework Add collision detection between the tank and the bricks. we moved the tank back when it collided with the bricks. Homework: Add collision detection between theRead More...
Today We Do We finished Dec1_ShoppingCart.py project. We started Jan8_RobuxShoppingCart.py project. Homework If you guys are not done with your turtle project, I will extend the deadline until Jan15. This is 20%Read More...
Homework Do the problem in https://train.usaco.org/usacoprob2?a=fqLeaOd4zrH&S=gift1 after you are done upload the python file to your individual google drive homework folder. Do this before January 17. If you don't have Pycharm editor,Read More...
Today: We went over the homework to show game won when the enemy tank is destroyed. We fixed the bug in maze_solver that got the enemy tank stuck. We added logic toRead More...
Today We Do We went over how to create variables with different data types: Integer, double/float, Boolean, String. We learned how to combine String. We learned how to do mathematical operations. HomeworkRead More...
Today We Do We reviewed Driver System practice test. Homework Finish Driver System practice test if you have not finished it. Submit the practice test. After submission, I will give the answerRead More...
Today We went over the homework. We reviewed some trigonometry We rotated the turret so it faces the direction of the mouse. Homework Add a sprite class for the enemy tank usingRead More...
Today We Do We completed RobuxShoppingCart. Homework Next week we will do review of all we have learned so far because2 weeks later is final exam. Please study the RobuxShoppingCart project andRead More...
Today We Do We did 1st Intro To Python quiz, it is 10% of your grade.
Homework Create a new Python file Jan18_StringHomework.py Copy code from book from page 20 to 23. If you don't have the book, you can look at this copy in here: https://indo.ayclogic.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/IntroToPythonP20toP23.pdf
Today Went over the homework to fire the enemy bullet in the correct direction. We added logic so the player tank won't move or animate unless the user presses the move keys.Read More...
Today We Do We went over Jan12_StringHomework.py learning about String built-in functions: .title(), .upper(), .lower() We went over how to combine String using Python "f" format. Homework If you did not doRead More...
Today We Do We went over Jan12_StringHomework.py homework. We could not finish going over all the homeworks as we also do some exercises. We will finish reviewing the homework next week. AllRead More...
Today: We went over the homework to add the enemy tank and enemy turret We refactored the enemy tank and enemy turret to avoid code duplication, using inheritance. Homework: Add a spriteRead More...
Today We Do We reviewed material for final exam next week. Homework Next week is going to be 2 hours final exam. It starts from 1 PM to 3 PM. Dont beRead More...
Today: We went over the homework to add the game over page and tank destroyed sound effects. We enabled the enemy tank to move. We delayed switching the game mode to gameRead More...
Today We Do We went over homework from 2 weeks ago, where we can use "\t" to do tab (spaces). We use "\n" to do new line. We used strip() to removeRead More...
Today We Do We reviewed Final Test Result. Homework Try to change your Final Test codes (The Bank System) try not to look at the answer key. If you are stuck youRead More...
Today: We went over the homework to add the shield powerup. We fixed the turret to point directly at the mouse by referencing the center of the turret. We went over theRead More...
2 hours final test. I will announce the result in your email. If you get 70% or more on your overall grade, no class next week (02/05). If you don't get lessRead More...
Today: We went over the homework to add the tank explosion sprite. We delayed the shield power-up creation, and created it on random empty squares. Homework: Clone Tower of Defense and checkoutRead More...
Today: We went over the homework to add the shield on top of the tank. We corrected the rotation of the turret. Homework: Add a new attribute "self.degrees_rotated" to the shield, andRead More...