Today We Did: We continued building our robot, but this time making our code more re-usable. We learned how to call a function inside another function, and how to re-use parameters. CodeRead More...
Today We Did We installed Python 3.10 We installed Pycharm community edition We started learning about Python dictionary. Homework Create new python file in Pycharm. Copy codes from page 92 toRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed input from shell. All inputs from shell are String data type. Even if you enter a number, it will still be String. If you want to compareRead More...
Today We Did We integrated our custom animal (Saturn Cat / Saturn Turtle) into minecraft, but we get an error when summoning. I will fix this next week. We added CEM TemplateRead More...
Today We Did Lists (bag = []) Get length of list using len() (len(bag)) Learned that list indices (index) start counting from 0 Learned how to take one value from a listRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed last week homeworks. We reviewed more details about PyVCF3 module. Homework Inside do the following Read some fields from the INFO column like this record.INFO #Read More...
Today We Did Lists (bag = []) Get length of list using len() (len(bag)) Learned list indices (index) start from 0 Get one item using bag Homework Page 114 to 116 PageRead More...
Today We Did: We finished building our robot with 3 arms by using our left_arm and right_arm functions. We reviewed for loops and then learned how to draw a circle. Code fromRead More...
Today we did: Went into functions with return values in detail: why they are needed, how we use them, how the location of return affects what code runs examples of functions withRead More...
Today We Did list.pop(index) removes item at index list.insert(index, value) puts a value at an index list.append(value) puts a value at the end of a list list.remove(value) removes one of that value fromRead More...
Today We Did list.insert(index, value) puts value at index of where it would be once added list.append(value) puts value at end of list list.remove(value) removes one of that value from list list.pop(index) removesRead More...
Today We Did We went over how to create face function properly. We learned how to make functions reusable and useful by adding useful parameters. We learned how to create slanted rectangleRead More...
Homework Create Copy codes from page 100, 101, 102. Create and do exercise from below. No need to do "3. List all phone numbers" .
Today we did: Covered more examples of functions with return values. Did 3 problems together as a group Had each student write their own functions to solve a problem Introduction to randomRead More...
Today We Do We reviewed List homework from page 42 and 43. We learned about For Loop. How to use for loop to go through each element inside a list. How toRead More...
Today We Did For loops using range() (gives us every index) For each loops (gives us every value) Remember list gives us the value at that index, even inside for loopsRead More...
Today We Did We finished reviewing Dictionary homework. We reviewed phone book small program and how to utilize Python Dictionary to store and search phone numbers. We learned how to read errorRead More...
Today We Did Learned about range(value) function, gives list from 0 to value - 1 (ex: range(4) gives ) Learned about for each loops, gives every value in list Learned about forRead More...
Today We Did We finished SchoolSystem program. Homework Create a new Book class inside Add all necessary attributes according to below expected behavior. Create BookSystem class inside and add theRead More...
Today We Did We finished Face2 shape. We created draw_letter_A function inside We copied draw_octagon function from into and added x and y coordinates. Homework Start making progress forRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed Phone Book Dictionary homework. We learned how to loop through every element inside List. Homework Change RobuxShoppingCart project (the one from Intro To Python class) to useRead More...
Today we did: Reviewed the Star Wars homework Went over using the random module in context of the Magic 8 ball problem Did some more practice with the random module and randint/choiceRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed List For Loop homework. We do more exercise with List, For Loop and getting input from user. Homework Create Copy code from page 57, 58. AlsoRead More...
Today We Did Lots of review on if statements inside of for loops Created for loops that loop through indices Created for loops that loop through values (those are called "for eachRead More...
Today We Did We learned how to fix Python errors. We learned functions without return value. Homework Create Copy codes from page 132 to 134. Copy codes from and fixRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed "for each" loops (loops through every value) Reviewed loops that loop through every index Learned how to put if statements inside of for loops Understood that variables createdRead More...
Today We Did We went over some of the students turtle project. We reviewed how to fix the octagon project that is not showing in 0,0 coordinate. We display how to doRead More...
Today We Did We created a new version of RobuxSystem utilizing dictionary in We reviewed how to loop through each element inside dictionary. Homework Inside file, change the code inRead More...
Homework: Keanu: Find background song for your game in Add sound effects when Player jump, when player hit by dinosaur, when player hit the key and player hit the door. Christopher:Read More...
Today We Did We reviewed For Loop Range homework. We reviewed some homework about List and If Elif Else statements. Also added OR operator. All files have been uploaded to google driveRead More...
Today We Did While loops continue to loop when the condition is True Reviewed how to increment variables ( counter += 1 ) Homework Homework: Page 118 and 121: 10th week Homework:Read More...
Today We Did We learned function with return value. We learned random module. We learned how to create random number between range. We learned how to choose random element from a list.
Today We Did Learned about how while loops continue to loop when their condition (turns into a boolean) is true Reviewed how to get user input ( input() ) Remembered that forRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed turtle project result. We started and completed Kaleido spiral project. Homework Make progress on your Turtle project, it is due on Nov 15. By next week youRead More...
Today We Did Variables have a name and a value. Variables are like a box that wraps around a "thing" (value). The values of a variable can be one of four differentRead More...
Today We Did: We learned about class class attributes class init function class self. Homework Create Answer question from page 162: TRY IT YOURSELF: 9-1, 9-2, 9-3.
Today we did: Went over the magic 8 ball problem using random.choice() Discussed debugging, different types of errors, how to go about fixing these errors Briefly went over this problem at endRead More...
Homework Create a new Python file in Thonny Copy codes from page 20 to 23. If you do not have the book yet, you can look here IntroToPythonP20toP23 Upload your homeworksRead More...
Homework Keanu: In your personal project, change the credit page Add Logo Designer: Christopher Chen Change school to be Change Advisor from Gamas to Gamas Chang. Christopher: In your personal project,Read More...
Homework Create a new file do exercises from If you have question, please email me at
Today We Did Full review! Variables and data types input(), + - * /, += -= *= /=, and how they effect different data types if elif and else statements and howRead More...
Today We Did Full review! Variables and data types input(), + - * /, += -= *= /=, and how they effect different data types if elif and else statements and howRead More...