Today We Did Looked through project proposals & looked closely at the requirements Finished the entire Robux Shopping project Learned how to create programs based off what the menu requires (this willRead More...
Today we did: Learned about variables and data types (Integer, float, string) Learned about print() statements String concatenation Started learning If-Else statements Homework: Create a new file named (make a newRead More...
Today We Did Explored the topic of class variables Animated our birds to flap when flying You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: More...
Today We Did Quiz 2 Review Started learning about Turtle Homework Create a new file “” Fill in all shapes Create a new function “draw_rectangle”. One parameter: pen_color. Inside the function, drawRead More...
What We Did Today: We reviewed using for loops for lists and using range Introduced the topic of while loops and conditionals Homework: Create python file named and when finished uploadRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed turtle python project. We started Grocery Shopping Cart. Homework Continue with Make sure if user select "Ice Cream" and "Bread" the program works and the programRead More...
Today We Did Revisited our old grocery system Applied object oriented programming to it, began Grocery System project In case you need anything, feel free to email me at Homework PleaseRead More...
Today We Did Began working on school system project Started learning how to build code from a menu that we're given In case you need anything, feel free to email me atRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed data types and operations Learned about if, elif, and else Learned about the special keywords "and" & "or", and how to use them with conditions In case youRead More...
Today We Did Installed and set-up Pycharm. Created a Pycharm project Started learning about dictionaries Homework Name your file and do: Page 92 to 97. Page 99 TRY IT YOURSELF. 6-1Read More...
Today we did: Reviewed HW Printing using f-strings (formatted strings) If statements with or and and elif statements Homework: Create Page 25: TRY IT YOURSELF: 2-3, 2-4, 2-5 and 2-6 ForRead More...
Today We Did Discussed more about Git commits, what repositories are, and how to explore them to see our past commits Learned about static variables, reviewed what local variables and attributes are,Read More...
Homework Continue with your Add codes to handle "2. Buy The Samurai of the Gamers 1000 robux", "3. Buy parrot 50 robux". Also add code to do "4. Add more robux"Read More...
Today We Did Reviewed Started Robot Builder Homework Finish the rest of the Robot Builder project Name your file: Finish the legs, body, neck, head, eyes, mouth
What We Did Today: Covered variables and data types, typecasting, combining strings Covered if and else statements along with and/or operators and ==, <, >, !=, <=, and >= Learned how toRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed while loops and for loops Get input from shell for a while loop to end Homework: Create a file called and upload it to googleRead More...
What We Did Today: Covered the topic of lists, how to modify lists by adding, removing, or replacing elements Covered the topic of for loops, using lists as well the range functionRead More...
Today We Did Continued our Grocery System project but started implementing the class system structure Organized each operation into its own method in the system class In case you need anything, feelRead More...
Today We Did Continued SchoolSystem project Took another deep dive into the differences between lists and dictionaries for the "find_student" methods. Full lesson on how lists and dictionaries "find" different things, veryRead More...
Today We Did Finished adding static variables to Bird class Began creating the player class Learned how to get keyboard input from players to move our Player bird You can always findRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed last week's homework Learned about inserting, removing, modifying, and accessing with dictionaries. Learned about looping through dictionary keys, values, and items. Learned about checking if a key existsRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed for loops Covered the topic of while loops, and using conditionals (if statements) to end the loops Used input from shell along with while loops to createRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed for the quiz next week on topics such as while loops, for loops, if statements, getting input from shell, printing using f "{variable}" Homework: Review your recentRead More...
Today We Did Learned about variables and datatypes Learned about if-else statements Learned how to get user input Homework Catch up on the previous 2 homeworks: Lesson 1 - Variables and DatatypesRead More...
Today We Did Finished creating a full Grocery System with object oriented programming Reviewed the important topics in object oriented programming that we've learned about (classes, constructors, attributes, and objects) Began learningRead More...
Today We Did Added teachers, staff, and classrooms to our schoolsystem project Reviewed how to create new classes, then add them to a dictionary In case you need anything, feel free toRead More...
Today we did: Learned lists Started for and for each loops Remember, you can reference the code from our lesson in the class Google Drive folder: Homework: Make the following files:Read More...
Today We Did Set up Pycharm Started learning about dictionaries: Get from a dictionary Adding to a dictionary Modifying a dictionary value Removing from a dictionary Length of a dictionary Homework NameRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed last week's homework Reviewed looping through dictionary keys, values, and items. Worked on Phone Book Dictionary Program Homework Name your file and do: Finish code forRead More...
Today We Did Finished player controls Created Fireball class Learned about how hit boxes will work You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: More...
Today We Did Finished player controls Created Fireball class Learned about how hit boxes will work You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: More...
Today We Did Reviewed Robot Builder HW Learned about drawing circles Created face function Homework Name your file Finish the smile for the face1 function using turtle.setheading(direction) Create a letter_A() functionRead More...
What We Did Today: Had our first quiz covering topics so far on data types, conditionals (if statements), for/while loops, and input from shell Homework: No Homework!
Today We Did We created a new Pycharm Project - SAT-9AM We moved all the existing python files to this project. We created We learned how to get, add, replace/set, deleteRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed fundamentals of inheritance with square & rectangle example Began monster system project In case you need anything, feel free to email me at No class on 9/2Read More...
Today We Did Reviewed fundamentals of inheritance with square & rectangle example Began monster system project In case you need anything, feel free to email me at No class on 9/2Read More...
Today We Did Finished school system Revisited why its important to have all this repetition: We need to memorize dictionary operations! In case you need anything, feel free to email me atRead More...
Today We Did Finished school system Revisited why its important to have all this repetition: We need to memorize dictionary operations! In case you need anything, feel free to email me atRead More...
Gamas sub Today We Did We learned the difference between if elif else with a lot ifs. We learned how to get input from Shell. We learned how to convert from StringRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed homework. Reviewed accessing, modifying, and inserting with dictionaries Learned about looping through dictionary keys, values, and items. Homework Name your file and do: Pg. 100, 101 TryRead More...
Today we did: Reviewed lists Continued for loops with lists Homework: Make the following files: Read pages 37-41 and copy the code down into a file Follow these instructions: Upload yourRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed last week's homework for the Phone Book dictionary program Worked on the Grocery System project using dictionaries. Homework Name your file and finish: Adding the purchased itemRead More...
Today We Did Gave each object their own hit box when we set "TESTING" mode to True Configured group collisions for the fireball and bird groups You can always find the codeRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed the quiz 1 content and things to remember Introduced functions with no return value, and how to use them to reduce code duplication and make things simplerRead More...