4 PM – Intro To Python
Today We Do We did 2 hours final test today.
American Young Coder Academy – Indo
Today We Do We did 2 hours final test today.
Today We went over the final projects We added the landing page for shoot balloon. I've added the source code here. Homework Finish up your final projects.
Today We do We reviewed homeworks today about if else and list. Homework The homework is due on Thursday night (10/28) not Saturday. Please email your homework to gamas@ayclogic.com. Please attach theRead More...
Today We Do We displayed health on top of the enemy. The bullet/projectile will now have We added code that would reduce enemy's health when it is hit by bullet. Homework WhenRead More...
Today we: Went over MonsterInheritanceSystem program. (We will go over this again next week) Added the Troll class to the program Homework: create Godzilla class that inherits Monster class attributes overrideRead More...