12 PM – Advanced Python Game Development
We continued the tank war project by making bullet launch to whichever the mouse is pointing to. Homework: When bullet hit the wall, make the wall disappear.
American Young Coder Academy – Indo
We continued the tank war project by making bullet launch to whichever the mouse is pointing to. Homework: When bullet hit the wall, make the wall disappear.
Homework: When Play button is clicked, do the following reset player's location reset player's fall speed to 0 clear the tube clear the coins We did a similar thing in Birdie projectRead More...
We did the homework to detect collision between the player and the birds. We added a game mode and landing page. I've uploaded the source code here. Homework: Create a super fireballRead More...
We went over the homework to add sounds effects and some finishing touches to FlappyDuck. We reviewed the logic for dizzy mode. I've uploaded the source code here. Homework Come up withRead More...
We finished GAME CREDIT page We added player mode: FLYING_MODE and DIZZY_MODE Homework: Inside game_in_session(), when the player hit the bottom of the screen, change the game_mode to GAME_OVER_PAGE
Added launch Giant Fireball. Make sure the launch Giang Fireball position is in front of the player. The coordinate is different when the player is facing LEFT vs RIGHT. We position theRead More...
We finished Flappy Duck game. Homework: Choose a game that you want to create. Choose a game asset from graphicriver.net Send me an email (gamas@ayclogic.com) about the explanation of how the gameRead More...
We added Game Over page in Flappy Bird game. Homework: Add background music assets/audio/Happy Baby.wav to the game
We created Wall Explosion animation. We created Enemy Tank via inheritance Homework: Change main.py read_map() method to handle ENEMY_FLAG to create EnemyTank there. Create EnemyTurret class which inherits from Turret class. OverrideRead More...
We went over the homework to add the coin sprite. We modified the tube to use tube_height rather than pass in a y value. We randomized the height of the tube. WeRead More...