Today we: Added code to delete the FireballPowerUp clones when they get near the bottom of the screen. Homework: Add code to delete the BombPowerUp clones when they get near the bottomRead More...
Today we: Continued the Dino Dance project Learned about the "repeat 10" code Added a Ballerina sprite Coded the Ballerina sprite to look like the sprite is dancing by switching costumes ImportantRead More...
Today we: Reviewed how to make sprites move Reviewed how to make sprites talk after touching the edge Reviewed how to make sprites communicate with other sprites Finished the Animal Crossing SecondRead More...
What we did today We continued working on the Cheese Chase project. We added the beetle, cheese, "Game Over" sign, and the ghost sprites. We did the code for the cheese sprite.Read More...
What we did today: Made the Splat clones switch to a random costume. Added a MaxSplats variable, a SplatsOnScreen variable, a Score variable, and a Countdown variable. Added a 60-second countdown thatRead More...
Today we: Added a game over collision in the Asteroid sprite. Added code for the GameOver sprite. Added background music. Homework: When the player loses the game, stop the background music andRead More...
Today we: Continued the Dino Dance project Fixed any codes that had errors Coded the Dinosaur3 sprite to move up when the up arrow key is pressed Coded the Dinosaur3 sprite toRead More...
What we did today We finished working on the Cheese Chase project. We worked on and finished the 2nd Level. We added two more beetles. We made the ghost faster. We madeRead More...
Today we: Continued the Birthday Card project Coded the background to change when the Button sprite is clicked Added two Shark sprites and added a Cake sprite Learned how to make spritesRead More...
Today we: Added the Camera extension. Added camera sensing for touching the Splat clones. Added a Difficulty variable. Finished Window Cleaner project. Homework: Add code so that when you press the spaceRead More...
Today we: Reviewed the Final Test Started the Spaceship 2.0 project Added the Fireball sprite Changed the direction the Fireball sprite is facing Created a Fireball clone when the space key isRead More...
Today we: Added code to stop the Rocketship sprite and Asteroid sprite when the game is over. Added code so when the Rocketship sprite touches the FireballPowerUp clone, the clone gets deletedRead More...
Today we: Fixed any codes that had errors Finished the Dino Dance project Started the Animal Race project Added a Dog sprite Learned about variables Important Reminders: There are new homework rules.Read More...
Today we: Continued the Birthday Card project Coded the Shark sprites to switch costumes Coded the Shark sprites to say the Birthday song Homework: Make sure your email is confirmed in ScratchRead More...
What we did today We started working on the Fantastic Flowers project. Homework Put the petal_color parameters in one of the "change color effects" block, and put the center_color parameter in theRead More...
Today we: Started the Birthday Card project. Added a Text background. Added a Party background. Added a Button sprite. Made the button sprite change color and switch backdrops when clicked. Added aRead More...
Today we: Continued the Spaceship 2.0 project Created the Fireball Power-up sprite Created the Bomb Power-up Sprite Created a variable called "Fireball" to keep track of how many fireballs the player hasRead More...
Today we: Added code to stop the Rocketship sprite from reaching the left and right sides of the screen. Added code to stop the Rocketship sprite from reaching the top of theRead More...
Today we: Continued the Animal Race project Fixed any codes that had errors Continued learning about variables Coded the dog to move only when the player presses and releases the "m" keyRead More...
Today we: Finished the Birthday Card project Started the Customized Birthday Card project Added a background Added the Arrow1 and Arrow2 sprites Coded the Arrow1 and Arrow2 sprites to move towards theRead More...
What we did today We finished working on the Fantastic Flower project. We started working on the List Tutorial Project. Homework Alter the project so you only like swimming, talking, and python.Read More...
Today we: Made the Birthday Cake sprite play music when the button is pressed. Made the two Shark sprites sing when the music is played. Made the two Shark sprites switch costumesRead More...
Today we: Continued the Spaceship 2.0 project Added codes to the Bomb clones Coded the Asteroid clone to delete if it touches the Fireball clone Coded the Fireball clone to delete ifRead More...
Today We Did: We started the Animal Race project. Learned about variables and how we could change and set them. Also, we learned about how to change the costumes to make itRead More...
Today we: Finished the Spaceship project. Started the Cheese Chase project. Added a Mouse sprite. Added code to make the Mouse sprite move when the arrow keys are pressed. Made a CheeseRead More...
Today We Did We continued on Animal Race. We learned about Broadcast and When I Receive. We learned about 4 directions: 90, -90, 0, 180. Homework When the Dog or the BatRead More...
Today we: Continued the Customized Birthday Card Reviewed the homework and uploaded pictures as costumes Changed where the sprite starts and moves Homework: No homework this week. Enjoy! Contact us if youRead More...
What we did today We worked on revising the MHALL project. We used Lists. We added the Happy Birthday song in the project. Homework Add the "Ode to Joy" song to theRead More...
Today we: Started the Custom Birthday Card project. Uploaded a picture of our mom into the Button sprite and removed the changing sprite color code. Added an Arrow sprite. Made the ArrowRead More...
Today we: Coded music to play during the game Coded music to play when the game is over Coded music to play when the player wins the game Finished the Spaceship 2.0Read More...