Today We Did: We started and were able to finish up the Spiralizer. We learned about clones and how we could use them for our projects. For Homework: Create your own tunnelRead More...
Today we: Made the Ghost and Beetle sprites start at different spots on the screen when Level 2 begins. Added music. Added the Win Banner. Added code so that the player winsRead More...
Today We: Finished the Funny Faces project Started the Ask Gobo project Learned about the "say" code and "say for 2 seconds" code Coded Gobo to speak Important Reminders: There are newRead More...
Today we: Reviewed the homework Continued the Mary Had a Little Lamb project Used "broadcast" and "When I receive" codes Learned how to code a sprite to play a music note CodedRead More...
Today we: Finished the Mary Had A Little Lamb project. Started the Christmas Card project. Added the Christmas Tree sprite and made it change colors. Added a gradient background. Added the TextRead More...
Today we: Recorded audio for Gobo's responses. Finished the Ask Gobo project. Made a Face sprite. Made the Eyes sprite. Made a Nose sprite. Made costumes for the Nose sprite and addedRead More...
What we did today We continued working on the Dino Dance Party project. Homework Pick a human sprite that has a lot of costumes. (make sure the costumes are not still) DoRead More...
What we did today We worked on the Christmas Card Project. Homework Add two banners that say "from {your name}" and "Merry Christmas". The starting coords for the "from {your name}" bannerRead More...
Today we: Continued the Cheese Chase project Drew the Cheese sprite Coded the Cheese sprite to go to a random spot when the game starts Created a Score variable Coded the ScoreRead More...
Today We Did: We continued with the Tunnel of Doom project and were able to complete it. Talked about how to use AND and OR For Homework: Add background music to theRead More...
Today we: Started the Fantastic Flowers project. Learned how to draw a flower using the Ball sprite. Added a draw_flower MyBlock. Homework: HOMEWORK IS DUE MONDAY NIGHT!! Please submit by emailing your homework to: andRead More...
Today We: Continued the Ask Gobo project Coded the variable ReplyNumber to be equal to a random number from 1-6 Coded Gobo to have different responses depending on which number is pickedRead More...
Today we: Continued the Mary Had a Little Lamb project Added the rest of the sprites that will play music Added a Conductor sprite Started coding the "Mary Had a Little Lamb"Read More...
Today we: Reviewed coordinates Started the Animal Crossing project Learned how to make sprites move left and right while switching costumes Coded a Mouse sprite to say hello when it reaches theRead More...
Today we: Added special effects to the accessory sprites. Finished the Funny Faces project. Started the Name Animation project. Made the first 3 letter sprites. Homework: Make the 4th letter in yourRead More...
What we did today We finished working on the Dino Dance project. We started working on the Animal Race project. Homework Do pages 54-55 on your pink scratch book. Make sure toRead More...
Today we: Continued the Cheese Chase project Coded the Ghost sprite to chase the Mouse sprite while disappearing and showing Created a Game Over Banner When the Mouse sprite touches the BeetleRead More...
Homework: Create a countdown for the game so you only have 60 seconds to clean the screen. Create a new variable called countdown. Get a new "green flag clicked" and set theRead More...
Today we: Added the parameters number_of_petals, petal_color, and center_color. Homework: HOMEWORK IS DUE MONDAY NIGHT!! Please submit by emailing your homework to: and Mr. Gamas’s email: Don’t forget to share your project, otherwise, IRead More...
Today We: Finished the Ask Gobo project Started the Name Animation project Coded one sprite to change colors and play a sound effect when the sprite is clicked Coded another sprite toRead More...
Today we: Finished the Mary Had a Little Lamb project Started the Virtual Snow project Created a background and Snowflake sprite Coded the Snowflake sprite to forever create a clone Coded theRead More...
Today we: Finished the Animal Crossing project Started the Spiralizer project Learned about clones Coded the Ball sprite to forever create clones while rotating Coded the Ball clones to forever move CodedRead More...
Today we: Learned about coordinates. Found the coordinates for the square and the rectangle. Started the Draw Shapes project. Homework: Draw the 5th letter of your name. Make the 5th letter spinRead More...
What we did today We continued working on the Animal Race project. Homework Finish up modifying your Dog/Bat win banners. Finish up the code if you're not done. ("When green flag clickedRead More...
Today we: Used the ghost effect for the Level Banner Used "My Blocks" to switch costumes for the Level Banner Coded the Ghost sprite to move faster at level 2 Coded theRead More...
Today we: Added the draw_stalk MyBlock. Finished the Fantastic Flowers project. Started the Intro to List project. Learned about lists and how to use them. Homework: HOMEWORK IS DUE MONDAY NIGHT!! Please submit byRead More...
Today We Did: We continued and finished the Window Cleaner by adding a Timer and a Times Up banner. Started the Virtual Snow project and was able to create clones for theRead More...
Today We: Continued the Name Animation project Edited codes with errors Learned how to make a sprite grow and shrink forever when the sprite is clicked Reset the sprite when the gameRead More...
Today we: Continued the Virtual Snow project Coded the Snowflake clones to stamp and delete if they touch the bottom edge of the screen Coded the Snowflake clones to stamp and deleteRead More...
Today we: Finished the Draw Shapes project. Made the Cat sprite draw a square. Made the Cat sprite draw a rectangle. Made the Cat sprite draw a triangle. Homework: Make the CatRead More...
What we did today We finished the Animal Race project. We started working on the Ask Gobo project. Homework Add 4 more options to the Gobo code. (add "maybe", "never", "definitely", andRead More...
What we did today We continued working on the Jumpy Monkey project. Homework Make a "Level 2" banner. When banana variable = 0, broadcast level 2. When the monkey receives level 2,Read More...
Today we: Reviewed the homework Started the How Old Are You? project Coded the Cat sprite to ask what the player's name is, and stored the answer in a variable Learned howRead More...