Below is a broken python code

result = 50 * 5
print ('result = '+Result)

price_of_candy = 2
price_of_ice_cream = 3

total_price = priceof_candy + price_of_Ice_crm
print('total_price is $ '+totalprice)

user_input = input('What is the temperature outside? (30 to 100) '
hot_day = user_input > 90
print ('Is it hot outside? '+ hotDay)

if hot_day = True
    print('It is really hot out there')
    print('It is cool out there')

print('I live in '+ hometown
hometown = 'Moscow'
def subtract(num1   num2):
return num1-num2

def starwars(prefix):
jedi = ['Luke', 'Obiwan', 'Qui Gon'

starwars('Jedi Master ')

When Above code is fixed, the program will print out the following in the shell.

result = 250
total_price is $5
What is the temperature outside? (30 to 100) 100
Is it hot outside? True
It is really hot out there
I live in Moscow
Jedi Master Luke


result = 250
total_price is $5
What is the temperature outside? (30 to 100) 40
Is it hot outside? False
It is cool out there
I live in Moscow
Jedi Master Luke


result = 50 * 5
print ('result = '+str(result))

price_of_candy = 2
price_of_ice_cream = 3

total_price = price_of_candy + price_of_ice_cream
print('total_price is $ '+str(total_price))

user_input = input('What is the temperature outside? (30 to 100) ')
hot_day = int(user_input) > 90
print ('Is it hot outside? '+ str(hot_day))

if hot_day == True:
    print('It is really hot out there')
    print('It is cool out there')

hometown = 'Moscow'
print('I live in '+ hometown)

def subtract(num1,  num2):
    return num1-num2

def starwars(prefix):
    jedi = ['Luke', 'Obiwan', 'Qui Gon']

starwars('Jedi Master ')