To upload your new code to (PUSH)
1. Go to Pycharm and open your project
2. Right click on the “SAT_3PM_TowerOfDefense”
3. Find Git
4. Find “Commit Directory”
5. Enter your comment about your new codes
6. Select “Commit & Push”
7. After this, there is going to be another popup, click “Push” button
To download your new code from gitlab (PULL)
1. Go to Pycharm and open your project.
2. Right click on the “SAT_3PM_TowerOfDefense”
3. Find Git
4. Find Repository
5. If you have local changes that you have not committed then you have to do the following
  • “Stash Changes”
  • Put message about your changes.

6. Click Pull

7. In the Popup window, click Pull button.