1. Create a python file name “BabyNameGenerator2.py”
    1. Create a list of String variable (“boysName”) with the following value: ‘John’, ‘Peter’, ‘Marcus’, ‘James’, ‘Luke’.
    2. Create a list of String variable (“girlsName”) with the following value: ‘Abigail’, ‘Martha’, ‘Mary’, ‘Katherine’, ‘Agustine’.
    3. Create a function called “giveMeBabyName” with one parameter “gender”.
      1. If “gender” parameter is “boy” then return a random name from “boysName” list. And return that value as a return value of the function.
      2. If “gender” parameter is “girl” then return a random name from “girlsName” list. And return that value as a return value of the function.
      3. if everything else then the function should return “InvalidGender”.
    4. Create a function called “showMeMultipleBabyNames” two parameters: “numOfNames”, “gender”.
      1. “numOfNames” parameter’s data type is integer which is the number of baby names user want to see.
      2. call the first function (“giveMeBabyName”) from here. If “numOfNames” is 2 then call “giveMeBabyName” function 2 times and print the return value every time. If “numOfNames” is 3 then call “giveMeBabyName” function 3 times and print the return value every time.
      3. For example, if I call showMeMultipleBabyNames(3, “boy”), then the program will print like the following
        1. John
      4. For example, if I call showMeMultipleBabyNames(2, “girl”), then the program will print like the following
        1. Martha
    5. (Added on 01/04/2019) We want to continuously ask user the following until user type “bye”:
      1. Create a forever loop (while True)
      2. Inside the loop ask user these 2 questions:
        1. “Do you want to have girl/boy name? “. Set to variable “gender”.
        2. “How many names do you want to have? “. Set to variable “numOfNames”.
      3. If user answer “bye” on any of these questions, break from the forever loop.
      4. Call showMeMultipleBabyName function and use “numOfNames” as the first parameter and “gender” as the second parameter.