1. Create a new Java class called Monster.
    1. It needs to have the following attributes: name, species, health.
    2. Create getters and setters methods for these attributes.
    3. Create additional methods:
      1. “heal” with one parameter, “count”. Inside the function, add parameter “count” to attribute “health”.
      2. “damage” with one parameter, “count”. Inside the function, subtract parameter “count” from attribute “health”.
  2. Create a new Java class called MonsterSystem.
    1. Welcome to AYCLOGIC Monster System
      Please select one of the following monsters:
      - Troll - 50 Health remaining
      - Orc - 30 Health remaining
      - Dragon - 100 Health remaining
      - Exit
      Enter your selection: troll
      What do you want to do with the Troll:
      1. Damage
      2. Heal
      Enter your selection: 1
      How much damage do you want to damage the Troll: 10
      You damaged the Troll and it has 40 healths remaining.
      Please select one of the following monsters:
      - Troll - 40 Health remaining 
      - Orc - 30 Health remaining 
      - Dragon - 100 Health remaining 
      - Exit
      Enter your selection: orc
      What do you want to do with the Orc:
      1. Damage
      2. Heal
      Enter your selection: 2
      How much points do you want to heal the Orc: 5
      You healed the Orc with 5 health points. It now has 35 healths remaining.
      Please select one of the following monsters:
      - Troll - 40 Health remaining 
      - Orc - 35 Health remaining 
      - Dragon - 100 Health remaining 
      - Exit
      Enter your selection: exit
      Thank you for using AYCLOGIC Monster system.